Emanuel Grunauer
Emanuel Grunauer was born July 22, 1794 in Basel, Switzerland. He was the son of Abraham Grunauer, a pot caster, and Ursula Roth. He died on April 1, 1850, in the colony of Messer. His first wife was Friedrike Sophie Heller. They were married on November 7, 1820, in Sarepta, Russia. She was born September 4, 1800, in Sarepta, the daughter of Johann Adam Heller and Catharina Paulÿ. Her brother was Pastor Samuel Jakob Heller. She died in 1840 in Messer. Pastor Grunauer's second wife was Auguste Karoline Cattaneo, whom he married in Sarepta on July 28, 1841. She was born on February 17, 1814, in Sarepta. She was the daughter of Thomas Cattaneo, a general store owner, and Helene Christine Neitz. Thomas Cattaneo's father was Pastor Johann Baptist Cattaneo. Auguste died on August 5, 1872 in Sarepta.
Pastor Grunauer began his education on April 9, 1810, as a philosophy student in Basel, completing his studies in 1813. In 1814, he became a theology student and, on June 8, 1815, earned a Master's degree. On August 10, 1817, he was granted admission to the Brethren community in Gnadenfeld, and from 1818 to 1820, he served as a teacher in the Moravian Brethren community in Sarepta. From 1820 to 1823, he served as pastor in Katharinenstadt (later Marxstadt). From 1823 until he died in 1850, he served as the pastor in the colony of Messer. During this time, he assisted his wife's grandfather, Johann Baptist Cattaneo, in Norka from 1828 to 1830.
Amburger, Erik. Die Pastoren Der Evangelischen Kirchen Russlands Vom Ende Des 16. Jahrhunderts Bis 1937: Ein Biographisches Lexikon. Lüneburg: Inst. Nordostdt. Kulturwerk, 1998. 332. Print.
Historical Review of the Balzerer. Lincoln, NE: Jubilee Committee, 1938.
Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen Und Das Religiöse Leben Der Rußlanddeutschen. Stuttgart: AER-Verl., 1978. 138. Print.
Historical Review of the Balzerer. Lincoln, NE: Jubilee Committee, 1938.
Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen Und Das Religiöse Leben Der Rußlanddeutschen. Stuttgart: AER-Verl., 1978. 138. Print.
Last updated December 8, 2023