Religion > Pastors of the Norka Church
Pastors of the Norka Church
The pastors of Norka were the colony's spiritual, educational, and administrative leaders. The pastors presided over worship services, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and funerals. The church Küster (sexton) and Schulmeister (schoolmaster) worked under the supervision of the Pfarrer (pastor).
According to Pastor Eduard Seib, the pastor and the schoolmaster were respected personalities in the colonies. One asked them for advice and usually received good advice. Because of this, the saying "The pastor said so" usually dismissed any statement to the contrary. Everyone showed respect toward the pastor by their behavior. If he strolled through the village when the gate benches were still occupied, all would stand up when the pastor passed. Even the oldest people removed their head coverings and greeted him in a friendly and respectful manner.
According to Pastor Eduard Seib, the pastor and the schoolmaster were respected personalities in the colonies. One asked them for advice and usually received good advice. Because of this, the saying "The pastor said so" usually dismissed any statement to the contrary. Everyone showed respect toward the pastor by their behavior. If he strolled through the village when the gate benches were still occupied, all would stand up when the pastor passed. Even the oldest people removed their head coverings and greeted him in a friendly and respectful manner.
The following ten pastors served the Norka parish from 1767 to 1934:
1769-1782 1782-1784 1784-1831 1831-1841 1841-1845 1845-1876 1877-1908 1910-1913 1913-1925 1925-1934 1934-1941 |
Johann Heinrich Fuchs
Johann Georg Herwig No pastor in residence Johann Baptist Cattaneo Friedrich Börner Christian Gottlieb Hegele Christoph Heinrich Bonwetsch Wilhelm Stärkel David Weigum Friedrich Alexander Wacker Emil Pfeiffer No pastor during Stalin's Great Terror from 1934 through the deportation in 1941 |
The following men served the Norka parish as assistant pastors:
1817-1821 1828 1828-1830 1875-1877 1897-1901 |
Karl Jakob Früauf assisted Johann Baptist Cattaneo
Lukas Cattaneo assisted his father Johann Baptist Cattaneo Lukas Cattaneo assisted his father Johann Baptist Cattaneo Emanuel Grunauer assisted Johann Baptist Cattaneo Gottlieb Nathanael Bonwetsch assisted his father Christoph Heinrich Bonwetsch Woldemar Emil Arthur Sibbul assisted Wilhelm Stärkel |
Amburger, Erik. Die Pastoren Der Evangelischen Kirchen Russlands Vom Ende Des 16. Jahrhunderts Bis 1937: Ein Biographisches Lexikon. Lüneburg: Inst. Nordostdt. Kulturwerk, 1998. Print. Translated to English by Horst W. Gutsche in October 2002.
Dalton, Hermann. Geschichte Der Reformirten Kirche in Russland: Kirchenhistorische Studie. Gotha: R. Besser, 1865. Print. The English translation of the section pertaining to Norka was prepared by Bill Pickelhaupt for Steven Schreiber, July 2011.
Litzenberger, Olga. Deutsche Evangelische Siedlungen an Der Wolga. Trans. Johannes Herzog and Paul Höringklee. Nürnberg: HFDR, 2013. 441-452. Print.
Preisendorf, Johannes. "Auszüge aus der Chronik der Kolonie Norka and der Wolga." Der Kirchenbote. Date Unknown. 6-7.
Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen Und Das Religiöse Leben Der Rußlanddeutschen. Stuttgart: AER-Verl., 1978. Print. Translated to English by Horst W. Gutsche, October 2002.
Seib, Eduard. "Der Wolgadeutsche im Spiegel seines Brauchtums." Heimatbuch Der Deutschen Aus Russland 1967/1968 (1968): 152. Print.
Dalton, Hermann. Geschichte Der Reformirten Kirche in Russland: Kirchenhistorische Studie. Gotha: R. Besser, 1865. Print. The English translation of the section pertaining to Norka was prepared by Bill Pickelhaupt for Steven Schreiber, July 2011.
Litzenberger, Olga. Deutsche Evangelische Siedlungen an Der Wolga. Trans. Johannes Herzog and Paul Höringklee. Nürnberg: HFDR, 2013. 441-452. Print.
Preisendorf, Johannes. "Auszüge aus der Chronik der Kolonie Norka and der Wolga." Der Kirchenbote. Date Unknown. 6-7.
Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen Und Das Religiöse Leben Der Rußlanddeutschen. Stuttgart: AER-Verl., 1978. Print. Translated to English by Horst W. Gutsche, October 2002.
Seib, Eduard. "Der Wolgadeutsche im Spiegel seines Brauchtums." Heimatbuch Der Deutschen Aus Russland 1967/1968 (1968): 152. Print.
Last updated February 5, 2024