Woldemar Emil Arthur Sibbul
The Rev. Woldemar Emil Arthur Sibbul, son of merchant Georg S. Sibbul and Elisabeth Makkar, was born in Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia) on August 25, 1869, and died February 16, 1947, in Berlin. He was married in Saratov, Russia, on January 10, 1901, to Olga Kindsvater, daughter of Alexander K. Kindsvater and Natalie Müller. She was born in Saratov on October 26, 1878, and died in Hamburg, West Germany, on December 14, 1972.
Sibbul graduated from the Hugo Treffner Gymnasium in Dorpat and studied theology at the University of Dorpat from 1891 to 1896.
Sibbul graduated from the Hugo Treffner Gymnasium in Dorpat and studied theology at the University of Dorpat from 1891 to 1896.
Rev. Sibbul was ordained on February 9, 1897, in Norka and was assistant pastor to Rev. Wilhelm Stärkel from then until 1901. From 1901 to 1920, he served as assistant pastor in Irkutsk, Russia. From 1921 to 1925, he taught religion at the Cathedral School in Reval (now Tallinn, Estonia). He also served as pastor vicar at the Cathedral School and continued as pastor there until 1939. He also served as the supervisor of the Evening Middle School.
Amburger, Erik. Die Pastoren Der Evangelischen Kirchen Russlands Vom Ende Des 16. Jahrhunderts Bis 1937: Ein Biographisches Lexikon. Lüneburg: Inst. Nordostdt. Kulturwerk, 1998. 475. Print.
Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen Und Das Religiöse Leben Der Rußlanddeutschen. Stuttgart: AER-Verl., 1978: 172. Print.
Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen Und Das Religiöse Leben Der Rußlanddeutschen. Stuttgart: AER-Verl., 1978: 172. Print.
Last updated December 8, 2023