Traditions > Prayers
Table Prayers (Tischgebet)
The following table prayers were commonly recited in Norka and other Volga German colonies before a meal. German table prayers were often structured as a rhyme and included both a blessing and praise for God.
Segne, Vater, diese Speise,
uns zur Kraft und dir zum Preise.
Bless you Father for this food
and for our strength, praise be to You.
uns zur Kraft und dir zum Preise.
Bless you Father for this food
and for our strength, praise be to You.
Komm, Herr Jesus, sei unser Gast
und segne, was du uns bescheret hast.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest
and bless what you have graciously given us.
und segne, was du uns bescheret hast.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest
and bless what you have graciously given us.
Gott Sei Dank, für Speis’ und Trank,
für alles Gute das Du, der Herr, bereitet hast.
God be thanked, for food and drink,
For all is good that you, oh Lord, have given.
für alles Gute das Du, der Herr, bereitet hast.
God be thanked, for food and drink,
For all is good that you, oh Lord, have given.
Evening Prayers (Nachtgebet)
Ich bin klein, mein Herz ist rein. Soll niemand drin wohnen als Jesus allein. Amen.
I am small, my heart is pure. No one shall live in it but Jesus alone. Amen.
I am small, my heart is pure. No one shall live in it but Jesus alone. Amen.
Jesus im herz, Christus im sinn. In Gottes namen Schlaf geh'n. Amen
Jesus is in my heart, Christ is in my thoughts. In God's name, we now go to sleep. Amen.
Jesus is in my heart, Christ is in my thoughts. In God's name, we now go to sleep. Amen.
Schreiber, Frederick. Oral history 1997.
Last updated September 18, 2017.