Headline: A Letter From Russia to the Portlanders - Norka
Norka, October 4, 1922
To: The Volga Relief Society, Portland, Oregon
Much esteemed and dear friends:
Three weeks ago as I gave my last (9th) report to Pastor Wagner for forwarding, he was kind enough to give me 2 issues of Die Welt-Post. Even though I was overjoyed and had a strong and urgent desire to acquaint myself with the news from "another world" that they contained, I nevertheless was only able to get to them in the last few days. The issue of 24 August, which I read last night so struck me that I vowed to quickly write again within the next few days and offer some information.
In the paper, an old Norkan, Johannes Preissendorf, wrote that my report from the old homeland was very important to him. At that I again felt the need to write the dear Norkans in America who had done so many good deeds for me and my community and thank them and at least inform them of the facts of life and things that are happening in their old homeland community.
Though there are just as many (especially many in Portland) Norkans in America as there are here in old Norka, there are also many other Volga Germans in the United States to whom this will probably be important because conditions are generally the same in the various Volga Colonies.
On October 1st we, along with the Evangelical Christian community, celebrated the Harvest Festival. (We generally celebrate all christian celebrations according to the new style calendar since its introduction.) In bygone days Norkans combined the Harvest Fest with their Kerb -- for each village it was a joyful folk festival. The market stalls on the well-field were full of goods and a bustling market was going on in this otherwise quiet place. The houses of the village were neatly cleaned inside and out in preparation for Kerbfest, the housewives prepared special baked goods for these days and also other appetizing foods which they shared with guests who had come from afar. The youths also sought opportunities to have some fun but such opportunities were not always fromm (pious - better said as "not always good clean fun"--translator.)
Since then everything has changed. The market stalls are no longer there. When, with the Revolution, private trading was ended, trade was no longer possible there. The boards (from the stalls) were being hammered loose and taken away, some to be used for coffins. Finally it was directed that all should be torn down and the boards used to repair the schoolyard fences. The emergency caused other festive aspects of the Kerbfest to disappear also --yes, and they were not always clear about when to celebrate. Thus part of the populace has for years celebrated a quiet Kerbfest according to the old style date and the others according to the new style date. Against all that this year's Harvest Fest was nevertheless still one that all could take pleasure in, even if the harvest of commodities on average was only a moderate one.
The question which has been heatedly debated by everyone for several weeks now and which often causes tempers to flare, is the question of the "in kind" taxes. The establishment of the "in kind" tax, as opposed to last year's confiscation of every bit of supplies, is an extraordinary improvement which instills the farmers with a feeling of security. The amount of "in kind' taxes depends on 3 factors: first of all (and mainly) upon the size of the plot of land: Second, the number of livestock: Third, the harvest yield. The minimum amount of tax per Desyatin is 10 Pfund, the maximum is 15 Pud. (thus, it is the case, that the farmer must pay if he has been allotted more than 3 Desjatin of land per family member, employs more than 4 head of livestock and the harvest yield is more than 100 Pud per Desyatin.)
One can see that under normal conditions the "in kind" tax is quite moderate and leaves plenty of room for the farmer to improve his condition and generally advance himself. However, under the current conditions the regulation is held by many to be an intolerable burden because this year the size of the farmers family, and accordingly. the size of his land allotment were of no help.
Except for a few exceptions the farmers no seed to sow. In the spring some used their seed not for sowing, but rather to maintain their existence. Many for good reason, because, for example, if a farmer had 10 family members but only on broken down nag of a horse, while another had only 5 family members, but 3 horses, how could they do the same work?
(here some dozen lines of text are obscured--translator)
Now Family B., which also consists of 10 souls, and in addition to 2 horses has 3 pairs of oxen and received approximately 50 Pud of seed grain. Now however, both families are to pay almost the same in taxes because they have the same amount of land. While family B. is hitching up their oxen and taking their "in kind" tax to Schilling, day and night things are getting worse for family A. and they can find no way out of this untenable situation.
Also the harvest yield was not computed for any individual but for an average yield (for our Rayon, if I am not mistaken, it was 60-65 Pud) and the tax was based upon this. Now some harvested 75-100 Pud while others only 20-30 Pud (per Desyatin). For the former it is easy to pay the tax, for the latter it is truly hurtful. The tax law is a good one but the authorities are not applying it practically. They should pay less attention to the letter of the law and more attention to the spirit of the law, because the intent of this "in kind" tax is to enable the weak to live alongside the strong. If the letter is enforced then the weak will forever be held down or completely destroyed.
Already much time has been lost, but nonetheless I hope that many of these calamitous questions will come to light and a fair solution found.
Generally speaking, a confident buzzing abounds. After years of external and internal battles, after all the disorder and decline, the hearts of our contemporaries are more open to and grateful for the establishment of structure and order. Out of the rubble of the past, man desires to build something new while retaining what was good from the past. One sees the master builder and his people at work again. One sees interest reawakening in other areas. Education, during the last years of struggle, which had become ever more indifferent, is once again drawing the interest of the people who are only now noticing the effects of its terrible negligence among the youth. However there are terrible shortages and apparently insurmountable obstacles to deal with. State and community coffers are empty. The schools must be maintained by the parents themselves. School buildings are in terrible condition. Three schools in Norka require major repairs, that at present are unthinkable, for example, the cost of nails is 1 million the Pfund, 1 piece of glass 5-8 million, 1 piece of sheet metal, 2 to 3 million, 1,000 bricks, 55 million Rubel, etc. Two schools can be made provisionally ready so that an area for approximately 400 children (about 1/3 of the school age children) will be created.
Parents are also responsible for the teacher's salary, which not all parents who wish to educate their children are able to easily afford. There had already been a shortage of good teachers in former times, who are now even harder to find. In addition there is a total lack of school books and other necessary teaching materials. Where there are any to be had, only a few can be purchased because of exorbitant prices. Thus it will probably be some time before the school problems are overcome.
Unfortunately we no longer have organized Consistories and Synods as in bygone days but this is not the most pressing emergency, rather it is the lack of Pastors and suitable Schoolmasters (Sextons) and the hopelessness of obtaining any new workers for the Lord's Vineyard. On the Bergseite and Wiesenseite there are 12 ministerial positions open; in the abandoned parishes, a poor state of religious affairs prevails.
The Norka Parish was allowed, by God's grace, to enjoy all these past years of regular and orderly spiritual services. In this last difficult year it was the assistance of the National Lutheran Council that made it possible for those servants of the church to endure in their difficult posts. Thus were we weak and unworthy humans served, but also the Lord, whose work we do. May the Lord repay those who did good deeds unto His servants, for their love.
The attendance at regular religious services has fallen off among adult Christians, thus sadly, it also stands equally bad among the youngsters. Most children can no longer read --- mental development as well as regular discipline have been missing; therefore they are not open to religious influences. In the last few years under such circumstances, myself and every minister has been in spiritual agony. With the meager influence which the church had in these times, it had little possibility of exerting it over them, they would probably be as good as lost to Christendom had there not been, in most houses, some christian spirit that came to our aid. Also the Versammlung (meeting) of the Brüderschaft (Brotherhood or Brethren) have the valuable task, along with the church, to rescue the young for Christ's kingdom. There are people here, more than ever before, against whom the servants of the church and the members of the christian community must stand united, shoulder to shoulder. How many have deserted and fallen in this ever more cruelly waged battle of the spirit. The church of Christ survives because of the promise of the Lord in Matthew 16, verse 18. ("And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." --verse added by the translator). Firm in our faith that the Lord guides all the things of His church, we regard it as our holiest obligation to spare no effort with anything as if the kingdom of God could be built by our passion. Did we not rebuild the vestibule in the courtyard of the prayer house in order to make it stable? The means to do this came to us by trading empty American rye sacks and lard barrels for which we have already received 60 Pud of rye.
My report has become overly long --- but still there are some more questions to be touched upon so that this picture of the life of Norkans is complete. The road to Saratov is crowded nearly every day with people coming and going. They take some of their harvested commodities, particularly flour and millet, and get cloth, leather, iron and many other necessary things for the home and for their work, just like in the old days. However, because of high prices they cannot get everything in the necessary quantities.
The burning question a year ago was: What will we eat? --- Today that question is: What will we wear? The fact that this question can be solved only with the help of our American brothers is already slowly becoming clear to everyone. With the arrival of Mr. Jacob Volz, in Saratov, where I had the pleasure of being one of the first to greet him, there was as revival of hope for a supply of clothing. If it happens as Mr. Volz announced on his first morning in Saratov, then a transport of clothing could arrive in Saratov within the next few days.
However, I would like to take this occasion, if I may be permitted, to make an important proposal. Could you expand the clothing aid along with the individual aid more generally, because now even more people can be seen going about in clothing that is not fit for humans to wear, who receive no individual assistance. With luck one can make due with old worn out clothing, I know this because for the second time I have received some from the the National Lutheran council and distributed them. That which one can no longer wear outside, or wants no more, would be received here with great joy. --- Besides this, considering the indebtedness described by me above, Food Draft assistance is still needed. I want to specifically stress this because many, after paying the "in kind" tax are not able to cut their bread so thickly any more. The vegetable harvest has been satisfying but there is a lack in fatty things. Recently I heard in Saratov that the Food Draft Department intends to continue their activities indefinitely, which was heard with great satisfaction.--- Additionally for the orphans and the children of the very poor families, a resumption of regular supplies for the Kitchens will be necessary. One could perhaps say: The communities can now provide for themselves, even for their poor. Such people speak only superficially and do not understand the extent of impoverishment in our Colonies because there is still no end of shortages for thousands. Even the landowners who will retain something more or less meaningful after paying "in kind" taxes, after taking care of the most urgent needs of their farmsteads, will have only enough brad left for their own needs. Norka is one of the better off Parishes and will again quickly stand on its own if no unforeseen circumstances occur, but it will still be in need, possibly for years, of a large measure of continuing philanthropy.
I close now with a personal note of explanation. Since the onset of relief work I have received a great number of letters as well as a number of $10 Packets that, in this difficult time, freed me from worry, and they were: from my dear Norkans, namely from Portland, also from a Stucker. I have also received letters and packets from fellow clergy --- Lutherans, Reformed and Congregational. As often as I have received these proofs of love, each time I felt an urgent need to write in detail to these well meaning men and women. But times and the circumstances, which I intentionally avoid describing here, prevented me every time. I comfort myself that all my good friends read my reports in the newspapers, and indeed, are probably looking at these lines now. So I want to express my thanks here once again to all who have sent me their letters and gifts, and affectionately greet them.
I take my leave of you, all my brothers and sisters in the Lord, with my sincere greetings and christian greetings as well as a greeting of peace.
Friedrich Wacker, Pastor
Much esteemed and dear friends:
Three weeks ago as I gave my last (9th) report to Pastor Wagner for forwarding, he was kind enough to give me 2 issues of Die Welt-Post. Even though I was overjoyed and had a strong and urgent desire to acquaint myself with the news from "another world" that they contained, I nevertheless was only able to get to them in the last few days. The issue of 24 August, which I read last night so struck me that I vowed to quickly write again within the next few days and offer some information.
In the paper, an old Norkan, Johannes Preissendorf, wrote that my report from the old homeland was very important to him. At that I again felt the need to write the dear Norkans in America who had done so many good deeds for me and my community and thank them and at least inform them of the facts of life and things that are happening in their old homeland community.
Though there are just as many (especially many in Portland) Norkans in America as there are here in old Norka, there are also many other Volga Germans in the United States to whom this will probably be important because conditions are generally the same in the various Volga Colonies.
On October 1st we, along with the Evangelical Christian community, celebrated the Harvest Festival. (We generally celebrate all christian celebrations according to the new style calendar since its introduction.) In bygone days Norkans combined the Harvest Fest with their Kerb -- for each village it was a joyful folk festival. The market stalls on the well-field were full of goods and a bustling market was going on in this otherwise quiet place. The houses of the village were neatly cleaned inside and out in preparation for Kerbfest, the housewives prepared special baked goods for these days and also other appetizing foods which they shared with guests who had come from afar. The youths also sought opportunities to have some fun but such opportunities were not always fromm (pious - better said as "not always good clean fun"--translator.)
Since then everything has changed. The market stalls are no longer there. When, with the Revolution, private trading was ended, trade was no longer possible there. The boards (from the stalls) were being hammered loose and taken away, some to be used for coffins. Finally it was directed that all should be torn down and the boards used to repair the schoolyard fences. The emergency caused other festive aspects of the Kerbfest to disappear also --yes, and they were not always clear about when to celebrate. Thus part of the populace has for years celebrated a quiet Kerbfest according to the old style date and the others according to the new style date. Against all that this year's Harvest Fest was nevertheless still one that all could take pleasure in, even if the harvest of commodities on average was only a moderate one.
The question which has been heatedly debated by everyone for several weeks now and which often causes tempers to flare, is the question of the "in kind" taxes. The establishment of the "in kind" tax, as opposed to last year's confiscation of every bit of supplies, is an extraordinary improvement which instills the farmers with a feeling of security. The amount of "in kind' taxes depends on 3 factors: first of all (and mainly) upon the size of the plot of land: Second, the number of livestock: Third, the harvest yield. The minimum amount of tax per Desyatin is 10 Pfund, the maximum is 15 Pud. (thus, it is the case, that the farmer must pay if he has been allotted more than 3 Desjatin of land per family member, employs more than 4 head of livestock and the harvest yield is more than 100 Pud per Desyatin.)
One can see that under normal conditions the "in kind" tax is quite moderate and leaves plenty of room for the farmer to improve his condition and generally advance himself. However, under the current conditions the regulation is held by many to be an intolerable burden because this year the size of the farmers family, and accordingly. the size of his land allotment were of no help.
Except for a few exceptions the farmers no seed to sow. In the spring some used their seed not for sowing, but rather to maintain their existence. Many for good reason, because, for example, if a farmer had 10 family members but only on broken down nag of a horse, while another had only 5 family members, but 3 horses, how could they do the same work?
(here some dozen lines of text are obscured--translator)
Now Family B., which also consists of 10 souls, and in addition to 2 horses has 3 pairs of oxen and received approximately 50 Pud of seed grain. Now however, both families are to pay almost the same in taxes because they have the same amount of land. While family B. is hitching up their oxen and taking their "in kind" tax to Schilling, day and night things are getting worse for family A. and they can find no way out of this untenable situation.
Also the harvest yield was not computed for any individual but for an average yield (for our Rayon, if I am not mistaken, it was 60-65 Pud) and the tax was based upon this. Now some harvested 75-100 Pud while others only 20-30 Pud (per Desyatin). For the former it is easy to pay the tax, for the latter it is truly hurtful. The tax law is a good one but the authorities are not applying it practically. They should pay less attention to the letter of the law and more attention to the spirit of the law, because the intent of this "in kind" tax is to enable the weak to live alongside the strong. If the letter is enforced then the weak will forever be held down or completely destroyed.
Already much time has been lost, but nonetheless I hope that many of these calamitous questions will come to light and a fair solution found.
Generally speaking, a confident buzzing abounds. After years of external and internal battles, after all the disorder and decline, the hearts of our contemporaries are more open to and grateful for the establishment of structure and order. Out of the rubble of the past, man desires to build something new while retaining what was good from the past. One sees the master builder and his people at work again. One sees interest reawakening in other areas. Education, during the last years of struggle, which had become ever more indifferent, is once again drawing the interest of the people who are only now noticing the effects of its terrible negligence among the youth. However there are terrible shortages and apparently insurmountable obstacles to deal with. State and community coffers are empty. The schools must be maintained by the parents themselves. School buildings are in terrible condition. Three schools in Norka require major repairs, that at present are unthinkable, for example, the cost of nails is 1 million the Pfund, 1 piece of glass 5-8 million, 1 piece of sheet metal, 2 to 3 million, 1,000 bricks, 55 million Rubel, etc. Two schools can be made provisionally ready so that an area for approximately 400 children (about 1/3 of the school age children) will be created.
Parents are also responsible for the teacher's salary, which not all parents who wish to educate their children are able to easily afford. There had already been a shortage of good teachers in former times, who are now even harder to find. In addition there is a total lack of school books and other necessary teaching materials. Where there are any to be had, only a few can be purchased because of exorbitant prices. Thus it will probably be some time before the school problems are overcome.
Unfortunately we no longer have organized Consistories and Synods as in bygone days but this is not the most pressing emergency, rather it is the lack of Pastors and suitable Schoolmasters (Sextons) and the hopelessness of obtaining any new workers for the Lord's Vineyard. On the Bergseite and Wiesenseite there are 12 ministerial positions open; in the abandoned parishes, a poor state of religious affairs prevails.
The Norka Parish was allowed, by God's grace, to enjoy all these past years of regular and orderly spiritual services. In this last difficult year it was the assistance of the National Lutheran Council that made it possible for those servants of the church to endure in their difficult posts. Thus were we weak and unworthy humans served, but also the Lord, whose work we do. May the Lord repay those who did good deeds unto His servants, for their love.
The attendance at regular religious services has fallen off among adult Christians, thus sadly, it also stands equally bad among the youngsters. Most children can no longer read --- mental development as well as regular discipline have been missing; therefore they are not open to religious influences. In the last few years under such circumstances, myself and every minister has been in spiritual agony. With the meager influence which the church had in these times, it had little possibility of exerting it over them, they would probably be as good as lost to Christendom had there not been, in most houses, some christian spirit that came to our aid. Also the Versammlung (meeting) of the Brüderschaft (Brotherhood or Brethren) have the valuable task, along with the church, to rescue the young for Christ's kingdom. There are people here, more than ever before, against whom the servants of the church and the members of the christian community must stand united, shoulder to shoulder. How many have deserted and fallen in this ever more cruelly waged battle of the spirit. The church of Christ survives because of the promise of the Lord in Matthew 16, verse 18. ("And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." --verse added by the translator). Firm in our faith that the Lord guides all the things of His church, we regard it as our holiest obligation to spare no effort with anything as if the kingdom of God could be built by our passion. Did we not rebuild the vestibule in the courtyard of the prayer house in order to make it stable? The means to do this came to us by trading empty American rye sacks and lard barrels for which we have already received 60 Pud of rye.
My report has become overly long --- but still there are some more questions to be touched upon so that this picture of the life of Norkans is complete. The road to Saratov is crowded nearly every day with people coming and going. They take some of their harvested commodities, particularly flour and millet, and get cloth, leather, iron and many other necessary things for the home and for their work, just like in the old days. However, because of high prices they cannot get everything in the necessary quantities.
The burning question a year ago was: What will we eat? --- Today that question is: What will we wear? The fact that this question can be solved only with the help of our American brothers is already slowly becoming clear to everyone. With the arrival of Mr. Jacob Volz, in Saratov, where I had the pleasure of being one of the first to greet him, there was as revival of hope for a supply of clothing. If it happens as Mr. Volz announced on his first morning in Saratov, then a transport of clothing could arrive in Saratov within the next few days.
However, I would like to take this occasion, if I may be permitted, to make an important proposal. Could you expand the clothing aid along with the individual aid more generally, because now even more people can be seen going about in clothing that is not fit for humans to wear, who receive no individual assistance. With luck one can make due with old worn out clothing, I know this because for the second time I have received some from the the National Lutheran council and distributed them. That which one can no longer wear outside, or wants no more, would be received here with great joy. --- Besides this, considering the indebtedness described by me above, Food Draft assistance is still needed. I want to specifically stress this because many, after paying the "in kind" tax are not able to cut their bread so thickly any more. The vegetable harvest has been satisfying but there is a lack in fatty things. Recently I heard in Saratov that the Food Draft Department intends to continue their activities indefinitely, which was heard with great satisfaction.--- Additionally for the orphans and the children of the very poor families, a resumption of regular supplies for the Kitchens will be necessary. One could perhaps say: The communities can now provide for themselves, even for their poor. Such people speak only superficially and do not understand the extent of impoverishment in our Colonies because there is still no end of shortages for thousands. Even the landowners who will retain something more or less meaningful after paying "in kind" taxes, after taking care of the most urgent needs of their farmsteads, will have only enough brad left for their own needs. Norka is one of the better off Parishes and will again quickly stand on its own if no unforeseen circumstances occur, but it will still be in need, possibly for years, of a large measure of continuing philanthropy.
I close now with a personal note of explanation. Since the onset of relief work I have received a great number of letters as well as a number of $10 Packets that, in this difficult time, freed me from worry, and they were: from my dear Norkans, namely from Portland, also from a Stucker. I have also received letters and packets from fellow clergy --- Lutherans, Reformed and Congregational. As often as I have received these proofs of love, each time I felt an urgent need to write in detail to these well meaning men and women. But times and the circumstances, which I intentionally avoid describing here, prevented me every time. I comfort myself that all my good friends read my reports in the newspapers, and indeed, are probably looking at these lines now. So I want to express my thanks here once again to all who have sent me their letters and gifts, and affectionately greet them.
I take my leave of you, all my brothers and sisters in the Lord, with my sincere greetings and christian greetings as well as a greeting of peace.
Friedrich Wacker, Pastor
Die Welt-Post, Thursday, January 11, 1923, page 2.
Translated from the original German to English provided courtesy of Hugh Lichtenwald.
Translated from the original German to English provided courtesy of Hugh Lichtenwald.
Last updated March 6, 2016