Headline: Letters From Russia
Norka, Russia, January 7
To: Johannes Schnell, wife and children
We safely received your dear letter of 24 September of last year. We know that you are upset because of our lengthy silence and we ask your forgiveness. This time we will write a longer letter and make everything right. Postage fees are so high that one cannot write as often as one would like. We wish you good fortune and God's blessing in the New Year. This year there was a Conference in Huck which our sister's daughter had the opportunity to attend. About 1,000 brethren from outside came so that all could not be gathered together at the same time and a simultaneous meeting had to be held in the Prayer House. A New Years service was held by Pastor Kluck from Hussenbach (text Psalm 97) in which he caused us to look back at the preceding year. We are all home owners who, at year's end, must submit a reckoning to the King who is the highest authority over all. This brought us to silence and to humility and then to God. The earnest cry, "Hurry and save your soul, then the rhapsody will come," verse 9. Therefore as eternal beings our slogan should be: Because you Lord are the highest, etc.
After the worship service, Evangelist Ehlers spoke, (the youngest son of the old brother Ehlers). Text Zacharias Chapter 7, from the 8th verse to the end. First, he admonished, let nobody say that these were his words, to the contrary, he expressly said: "Thus spake the Lord." The lesson did not seem particularly difficult. Verse 9 is about his brother, not at all about an enemy. He reminded us of the story of Jacob who repaid his brothers anger with goodness, even after the death of their father. 1st Moses, chapter 50, verses 15-19. He who abides with God as Joseph did can also show mercy just as he did. A brother lived together with his brothers and he was not yet converted (to the faith). He often heard them speak of the blessedness of good deeds and wanted to experience this joy. One day he went out and sought out some poor widows. One he promised Mistholz (dried animal dung used as fuel), another widow, flour, which she was in great need of, but on his way home he was accosted by Satan with the thought, "What will your brothers say now?" He became so distraught that he hoped the widows would not come by. But they came. And he asked one of his brothers to give her 20 blocks of Mistholz. He asked: will she pay for them? Answer: "No, she is a poor widow." Then he said to the unconverted brother: "It does not need to be just 20 blocks, I can give 100."
The other widow came with her sack and he asked another brother to give the poor woman a few scoops of flour. He was told: "If you like, I can fill the sack half-full." Thus the loving brother saw from the onset of his good deed, how the Lord can move hearts, like the waters of a stream; he was indeed blessed and said that it had been his happiest day.
Sadly however, little attention is paid to the word of God, he went on to verse 11-12.? Thus the great judgments, the fire tongs of our Lord, have begun. "O the pain, should God forsake us!" The old Bundesvolk (Federation or Federated Peoples...I think the reference is to Judea and the tribes of Israel---translator) is an example to us, for it brought the threat of 2nd Chronicles, chapter 5, verse 3, to fulfillment and likewise all promises and threats will also be fulfilled unto us. Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 22 and Psalm 27, 7-14 is a reminder of it.
Brother Stroh from Hussenbach spoke about Isaiah 1, 18-20. This brother also used the example of the old Bundesvolk and everything that the Lord had done for it, until the Lord finally said: "What more can I do?" And nevertheless they strayed and received their judgment. Like Israel, for which the Lord did everything and none paid heed, we are likewise being judged and the Lord's judgment will be fulfilled unto us, (verse 20).
On New Years Day, Pastor Kluck preached about John 9. He especially emphasized verse 4, urging everyone to work as long as there still was daylight, and he did not mean literally but spiritually, so that we would remain steadfast in our faith when night falls. For this we require the robustness of our youth, the determination of our adults and the prayers of our aged.
In the afternoon Evangelist Fink from Hussenbach spoke about Isaiah 51. He used Abraham as an example of religious heroism and Sara as a model for the women whose husbands are called by the Lord and used her as an example of a pious woman to show how much can be accomplished when we heed the word of God.
A man, a drunkard, and his comrades came and wanted this pious woman to join in their drinking and revelry but were not successful. The woman did everything and remained calm. They finally asked her why and she said to them: You take pity on me, you who have nothing more than the little you have here, and for this reason I will do what I can for you because by your behavior you have nothing to look forward to in the hereafter except agony. These words made such an impression that some of them gave up drinking and were redeemed (converted). Verse 17-21. The judgment of Israel, and from Verse 22, the recent history of Israel and the events that have befallen the Turks. The massive return of the Jews to their homeland where they will experience the joyous 1,000 year reign, while we, if we remain faithful, will become transfigured.
Then a brother spoke about Psalm 145 with special emphasis on Verse 5. He enthusiastically told us of the last days in which we now live, where we may prepare ourselves for the 1,00 year reign, which many do not believe in but which is a part of holy scripture and remains as an eternal truth, where in Isaiah 65, 17-25, everything is described.
In the evening the Gospel of Luke 18, 1-8 was discussed. The text describes the correct way to lead a prayerful life; that one should first of all be pure of heart because prayer is talking to God; then moderate and sober because prayers of believers are kept in a golden bowl for safe-keeping and as proof that one has not neglected to pray. A farm servant prayed in the morning as he was dressing: Dear Savior, clothe me with your righteousness; while washing: wash me in your blood so that I will be purified; while opening the shutters: Open my ears so I forever hear your voice; while lighting the hearth: Ignite the fire of love for you in my heart, etc. One can also pray at work and prayer is also a medicine. James 5, 14-15. The elders were asked if they had done this and they replied, yes. Then they were asked about the results and if it had made the sick any better, and the answer was, yes. If the Lord redeems His word in this way, we may thus confidently believe in salvation if we pray day and night. It was generally stressed that the Lord was at hand, He is coming and his miraculous powers will be shown to believers as in verse 8. He will quickly save you all.
The last morning was particularly wonderful. Text, James 5, 7-11. All were admonished to be faithful and steadfast. We are going through the difficult times which precede the coming of the Lord. Therefore we are to be patient and strengthen our hearts. The 9th verse was especially stressed: Grudge not one against the other; the judge is at the door. Then song number 568 was sung: "Sollt ich aus Furcht vor Menschenkindern." After which there was much crying and praying. (That's the way it is at Conferences and also at Prayer Meetings, where everyone wants to pray and sometimes as many as 20 to 30 people praying at once. That may seem a little strange to you but we are now used to it and feel greatly blessed). At the end we sang "Ja, die wir uns hier beisammen sinden," after which everyone shook hands and gave parting kisses. Most (and I too) would have been happy to have left this blessed celebration and gone straight to Heaven but we must still struggle as it is our fate, now, aware of our transfiguration, which we learned from the Conference and mainly from the word of God.
That is a much abbreviated short Conference report.
Influenza is prevalent in our area and two of us were laid low for nearly two months. But we still had cause to thank the Lord that the two others could get work and support us.
Our harvest this year turned out very poorly again. We only have enough Potatoes, everything else, even fodder will not last. How wondrous that there is fodder in abundance for you there and here we must again get rid of our livestock. We bought some fodder and will be very happy if the Cow makes it through the winter because we are all weak and have to have milk. The dear Lord, who up to now, has wondrously provided for us women who have no support, will also provide for the future.
Our sister Katarinmarie is still living, she has been widowed since 1911 and has 2 sons here and 2 in America. She sends you all her affectionate greetings. Please read this letter to sister Katarinlies so she can be comforted by the fact that the Lord is near and we shall meet again in eternity. Also please affectionately greet all the children for us. We are still well and wish you the best of health and best of everything you require for your work and send our most affectionate greetings to you, as well as all our dear family members.
From all the Weber siblings
The death notice of Katarinlies' husband we gave to the relatives to read.
We safely received your dear letter of 24 September of last year. We know that you are upset because of our lengthy silence and we ask your forgiveness. This time we will write a longer letter and make everything right. Postage fees are so high that one cannot write as often as one would like. We wish you good fortune and God's blessing in the New Year. This year there was a Conference in Huck which our sister's daughter had the opportunity to attend. About 1,000 brethren from outside came so that all could not be gathered together at the same time and a simultaneous meeting had to be held in the Prayer House. A New Years service was held by Pastor Kluck from Hussenbach (text Psalm 97) in which he caused us to look back at the preceding year. We are all home owners who, at year's end, must submit a reckoning to the King who is the highest authority over all. This brought us to silence and to humility and then to God. The earnest cry, "Hurry and save your soul, then the rhapsody will come," verse 9. Therefore as eternal beings our slogan should be: Because you Lord are the highest, etc.
After the worship service, Evangelist Ehlers spoke, (the youngest son of the old brother Ehlers). Text Zacharias Chapter 7, from the 8th verse to the end. First, he admonished, let nobody say that these were his words, to the contrary, he expressly said: "Thus spake the Lord." The lesson did not seem particularly difficult. Verse 9 is about his brother, not at all about an enemy. He reminded us of the story of Jacob who repaid his brothers anger with goodness, even after the death of their father. 1st Moses, chapter 50, verses 15-19. He who abides with God as Joseph did can also show mercy just as he did. A brother lived together with his brothers and he was not yet converted (to the faith). He often heard them speak of the blessedness of good deeds and wanted to experience this joy. One day he went out and sought out some poor widows. One he promised Mistholz (dried animal dung used as fuel), another widow, flour, which she was in great need of, but on his way home he was accosted by Satan with the thought, "What will your brothers say now?" He became so distraught that he hoped the widows would not come by. But they came. And he asked one of his brothers to give her 20 blocks of Mistholz. He asked: will she pay for them? Answer: "No, she is a poor widow." Then he said to the unconverted brother: "It does not need to be just 20 blocks, I can give 100."
The other widow came with her sack and he asked another brother to give the poor woman a few scoops of flour. He was told: "If you like, I can fill the sack half-full." Thus the loving brother saw from the onset of his good deed, how the Lord can move hearts, like the waters of a stream; he was indeed blessed and said that it had been his happiest day.
Sadly however, little attention is paid to the word of God, he went on to verse 11-12.? Thus the great judgments, the fire tongs of our Lord, have begun. "O the pain, should God forsake us!" The old Bundesvolk (Federation or Federated Peoples...I think the reference is to Judea and the tribes of Israel---translator) is an example to us, for it brought the threat of 2nd Chronicles, chapter 5, verse 3, to fulfillment and likewise all promises and threats will also be fulfilled unto us. Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 22 and Psalm 27, 7-14 is a reminder of it.
Brother Stroh from Hussenbach spoke about Isaiah 1, 18-20. This brother also used the example of the old Bundesvolk and everything that the Lord had done for it, until the Lord finally said: "What more can I do?" And nevertheless they strayed and received their judgment. Like Israel, for which the Lord did everything and none paid heed, we are likewise being judged and the Lord's judgment will be fulfilled unto us, (verse 20).
On New Years Day, Pastor Kluck preached about John 9. He especially emphasized verse 4, urging everyone to work as long as there still was daylight, and he did not mean literally but spiritually, so that we would remain steadfast in our faith when night falls. For this we require the robustness of our youth, the determination of our adults and the prayers of our aged.
In the afternoon Evangelist Fink from Hussenbach spoke about Isaiah 51. He used Abraham as an example of religious heroism and Sara as a model for the women whose husbands are called by the Lord and used her as an example of a pious woman to show how much can be accomplished when we heed the word of God.
A man, a drunkard, and his comrades came and wanted this pious woman to join in their drinking and revelry but were not successful. The woman did everything and remained calm. They finally asked her why and she said to them: You take pity on me, you who have nothing more than the little you have here, and for this reason I will do what I can for you because by your behavior you have nothing to look forward to in the hereafter except agony. These words made such an impression that some of them gave up drinking and were redeemed (converted). Verse 17-21. The judgment of Israel, and from Verse 22, the recent history of Israel and the events that have befallen the Turks. The massive return of the Jews to their homeland where they will experience the joyous 1,000 year reign, while we, if we remain faithful, will become transfigured.
Then a brother spoke about Psalm 145 with special emphasis on Verse 5. He enthusiastically told us of the last days in which we now live, where we may prepare ourselves for the 1,00 year reign, which many do not believe in but which is a part of holy scripture and remains as an eternal truth, where in Isaiah 65, 17-25, everything is described.
In the evening the Gospel of Luke 18, 1-8 was discussed. The text describes the correct way to lead a prayerful life; that one should first of all be pure of heart because prayer is talking to God; then moderate and sober because prayers of believers are kept in a golden bowl for safe-keeping and as proof that one has not neglected to pray. A farm servant prayed in the morning as he was dressing: Dear Savior, clothe me with your righteousness; while washing: wash me in your blood so that I will be purified; while opening the shutters: Open my ears so I forever hear your voice; while lighting the hearth: Ignite the fire of love for you in my heart, etc. One can also pray at work and prayer is also a medicine. James 5, 14-15. The elders were asked if they had done this and they replied, yes. Then they were asked about the results and if it had made the sick any better, and the answer was, yes. If the Lord redeems His word in this way, we may thus confidently believe in salvation if we pray day and night. It was generally stressed that the Lord was at hand, He is coming and his miraculous powers will be shown to believers as in verse 8. He will quickly save you all.
The last morning was particularly wonderful. Text, James 5, 7-11. All were admonished to be faithful and steadfast. We are going through the difficult times which precede the coming of the Lord. Therefore we are to be patient and strengthen our hearts. The 9th verse was especially stressed: Grudge not one against the other; the judge is at the door. Then song number 568 was sung: "Sollt ich aus Furcht vor Menschenkindern." After which there was much crying and praying. (That's the way it is at Conferences and also at Prayer Meetings, where everyone wants to pray and sometimes as many as 20 to 30 people praying at once. That may seem a little strange to you but we are now used to it and feel greatly blessed). At the end we sang "Ja, die wir uns hier beisammen sinden," after which everyone shook hands and gave parting kisses. Most (and I too) would have been happy to have left this blessed celebration and gone straight to Heaven but we must still struggle as it is our fate, now, aware of our transfiguration, which we learned from the Conference and mainly from the word of God.
That is a much abbreviated short Conference report.
Influenza is prevalent in our area and two of us were laid low for nearly two months. But we still had cause to thank the Lord that the two others could get work and support us.
Our harvest this year turned out very poorly again. We only have enough Potatoes, everything else, even fodder will not last. How wondrous that there is fodder in abundance for you there and here we must again get rid of our livestock. We bought some fodder and will be very happy if the Cow makes it through the winter because we are all weak and have to have milk. The dear Lord, who up to now, has wondrously provided for us women who have no support, will also provide for the future.
Our sister Katarinmarie is still living, she has been widowed since 1911 and has 2 sons here and 2 in America. She sends you all her affectionate greetings. Please read this letter to sister Katarinlies so she can be comforted by the fact that the Lord is near and we shall meet again in eternity. Also please affectionately greet all the children for us. We are still well and wish you the best of health and best of everything you require for your work and send our most affectionate greetings to you, as well as all our dear family members.
From all the Weber siblings
The death notice of Katarinlies' husband we gave to the relatives to read.
Die Welt-Post, February 28, 1924, page 5.
This translation provided courtesy of Hugh Lichtenwald.
This translation provided courtesy of Hugh Lichtenwald.
Last updated March 6, 2016