Nicolaus and Anna Vögler
The Vögler family originated in the town of Radmühl in the parish of Unterreichenbach, near Gelnhausen. The following records for children of Nicolaus and Anna Vogler are found in the Unterreichenbach parish books: Anna Margaretha baptized September 21, 1757, Eva Catharina baptized December 8, 1759, unnamed son died at age 1 ½ on May 23, 1763, Johann Georg, born September 27, 1764. The Vogler family (misspelled Fegler in the Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg) arrived in Russia on August 8, 1766. The family members are listed as follows: Nicolaus, a smith from Isenberg, his wife Anna, and children Anna age 10, Eva age 7, and Johann age 2. On the next line in the Kulberg book are Heinrich Nagelschmidt and his wife Elisabeth. In the Norka First Settler’s List, the family is reported as Nicolaus (age 33), his wife Anna Margaretha (age 33), children Anna Margaretha (age 12), Eva Katharina (age 8), and mother-in-law Elisabeth Margaretha (age 66). It appears that the Nagelschmidt couple listed by Kulberg are Nicolaus Vogler's in-laws. The Nagelschmidt couple was married in Unterrichenbach on February 8, 1730.
Researched by Maggie Hein.
Researched by Maggie Hein.
Hein, Maggie. Research in the German parish records for Unterreichenbach.
Pleve, I. R. Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg. Saratov, Russia: Saratov State Technical U, 2010. Print.
Pleve, Igor. Einwanderung in Das Wolgagebiet 1764-1767 Kolonien Laub- Preuss. Gottingen: Nordost-Institut, 2005. Print.
Pleve, I. R. Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg. Saratov, Russia: Saratov State Technical U, 2010. Print.
Pleve, Igor. Einwanderung in Das Wolgagebiet 1764-1767 Kolonien Laub- Preuss. Gottingen: Nordost-Institut, 2005. Print.
Last updated July 6, 2018.